Introduction to Landing Pages

Before you attempt to build a successful list or create an effective sales page, you need to have a solid landing page at the top of your sales funnel.

Theres a difference between a sloppy, unfocused home page and an effective landing page. A landing page focuses specifically on one thing. Capturing leads for a newsletter or 犀利士 making sales for a specific product and does not give the visitors any other option other than to leave the page.

Other common terms used to describe a landing page, are squeeze page (or capture page}

A squeeze page always has an opt-in form in sight when the page loads and is designed to collect names and email addresses to your list.

So what is the most important thing to learn in an introduction to landing pages?

First, it’s important to recognize that to be a successful marketer, you need squeeze pages. If you plan to sell a product online, you will want to use one, too, rather than relying on sidebar opt-in forms and unfocused pages that do not convey a single point or a single call to action.

Secondly, every landing page contains the same parts and is focused on a SINGLE goal. Getting the visitors to become a subscriber or buyer.

These parts are as follows:

  • an opt-in form (or sales prompt),
  • a brief or lengthy introduction,
  • a picture of the list/product owner,
  • the signature of the list owner,
  • and a call to action (or multiple calls to action).

Deciding which model works best for you can only be done through testing. While

many boast a conversion and attribute it to the shortness of their introduction (many will be one

short paragraph), others will boast a high conversion rate because they use lengthy, thorough and compelling copy.

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